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Baby massage course,

Baby massage consultant

Dr. Frédérick Leboyer, French gynecologist, brought the “Indian baby massage” to Europe in the 1970s. In India, the baby massage is a fixed point in the daily routine and is lovingly passed on to the next generation.

Liebe, Geborgenheit, Harmonie mit der Babymassage stärken


“The baby massage is a silent dialogue of love between a mother and her baby.

The rest of the movements is almost like a ritual - a dance.

Her controlled power expresses tenderness and dignity at the same time. "


Frédérick Leboyer

What is baby massage?

Baby massages are gentle touches of the baby , during which there is relaxation, love, warmth and security perceives.


Parents or grandparents learn relaxed massage strokes to songs and rhymes , which is great fun for young and old. You will also learn a lot of interesting facts about massage oils for the little ones.

The needs for body contact and affection that every person carries within themselves are satisfied with the baby massage. In addition, the very careful massage techniques that are performed above all increase basic trust  and also the child's self-confidence strengthened .


Massaged children are more relaxed and calmer , which is also carried over to mom and dad.

What can baby massage do?


  • Deficits in premature babies can compensate for each other

  • The sucking reflex can be stimulated

  • Teething pain relief can be achieved

  • Abdominal pain and colic can be reduced

  • Metabolism and blood circulation can be stimulated

  • The immune system can be strengthened

  • Muscles can be loosened

  • Sensory perception and communication can be promoted

  • The physical, motor and mental fitness of the child can be stimulated

  • Well-being on a physical and emotional level is promoted

  • The bond between parent and child is strengthened

  • Improved sleep quality can result

  • Regular bowel movements are encouraged (even in times of diet changes)

  • . . .

Who can learn baby massage?

  • EVERYONE who likes touch and body contact!

  • It needed no prior knowledge.

Babymassage Liebe, Geborgenheit, Harmonie schenken

"The greatest gift

that someone can do for me


to see and hear me

to understand me


to touch."


Virginia satir

For what age is the baby massage intended?


  • Possible from  1st day of life .  

  • The techniques are also ideal for toddlers and school children and can also be used with  adult  be applied.

How and where can baby massage be learned?


  • In a group of a maximum of 8-10 participants in Graz and the Graz area:  

    1. ​​ in Gratkorn and Seiersberg, bookable through the adult education center , payable with education check or education account

    2. ​​​ in the practice rooms of the Academy bios - Bergmanngasse -  Graz, bookable via my contact details

  • as a personal one-to-one course in the practice - Akademie bios - Bergmanngasse - Graz, bookable via my contact details

  • relaxed and comfortable, in the familiar surroundings in your home  bookable, booking via my contact details

How long is the baby massage course?


  • In the group: 5 units of approx. 2 hours each (including preliminary and follow-up discussions, eating and drinking for the children, ...)

  • Individual course: is individually tailored to the baby (s) and their parents

How can I remember the different techniques?


  • There is a very detailed script for the baby massage course.

  • Techniques are repeated exactly in each subsequent unit .

Einfache Babymassage Techniken lernen macht Spaß

Massaging a baby is an art ...

Every art is based on a technique

that you have to learn.

Of course, art is much more than technology

and with time

you will get to the point. "

Frédérick Leboyer

Einfache Babymassage Techniken erlernen. Liebe weitergeben. Freude empfinden.
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